The former yarn factory, on the banks of the Rhine and on the edge of the old town, is now home to Schaffhausen‘s cultural centre. This includes the large event hall «Kammgarn», the restaurant «Kammbeiz», the music club «TapTab» and the art gallery «Vebikus». The attraction of the events, especially the concerts, draws a wide audience, even beyond the region for young and old since 1985.
The entrance to the «TapTab» and the back entrance to the kitchen of the «Kammbeiz» are located in the passageway from the old town. The door is elevated for the delivery of goods. My work shows 24h in this passageway with a focus on this door. For me personally, this door Saturday night is of particular importance. From 11 p.m. until early in the morning, I transform the door into a window. lt is called «Food-Kiosk». Here I cook and sell small, warm meals for the party folks. During this time, it is very busy and changes the actual passageway into a place of encounters. This importance of the door and the crowdedness in the passage do not last the whole day. In the 24h in the face of this door, I experience boredom, inconspicuousness, confinement, romance, reassurance, permanece, desolation and a lot more. My presence with the camera triggered curiosity among passersby, musicians and employees. The door, which was previously hardly noticed in its inconspicuousness and as a matter of course, received new attention.

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